Mining Product Range
Choosing the right lubricants and services for your business can help to make a real difference to the efficiency of your entire operation.
Download the Mining product range brochureAre your lubricants fit for severe operating conditions? At Shell we appreciate that maximising machine availability and driving down production and maintenance costs in tough conditions and remote areas can be difficult.
With a long history of working with the mining industry, we have a broad range of speciality products and services designed to add value to your business.
Choosing the right lubricants and services for your business can help to make a real difference to the efficiency of your entire operation.
Download the Mining product range brochureConverting two grinding mills at Norilsk Nickel’s Black Swan mine to Shell Omala S4GX 220 led to a potential annual saving of US$74,473.
Download the Norilsk Nickel case studyShell Gadus extends life of an underground mining equipment with a potential saving of US$189,800
Download the IHRM case studyCollaborating with Pama to help maximise output, extending the oil drain to 6,000 hours
Download the Pama case studyOur suite of lubricant-related services offers you expert advice and support along with practical tools and training.
Discover how using the right lubricant can bring you substantial savings by helping maximise equipment efficiency, prolong vehicle life and reduce downtime.