Metals Product Range
Choosing the right lubricants and services for your business can help to make a real difference to the efficiency of your entire operation.
Download the Metals product range brochureOne break in your process can halt production. High-temperature, high-load and wet conditions can place severe demands on metal-processing equipment. Whether you want to improve energy efficiency for greater output or lower emissions, or to cut maintenance costs by enhancing equipment protection, Shell offers a wide range of products and services designed to make a real difference to your margins.
Choosing the right lubricants and services for your business can help to make a real difference to the efficiency of your entire operation.
Download the Metals product range brochureBaosteel was experiencing issues with its bearings and lubricant filters. The use of Shell Morlina helped to save a reported US$53,185 in 2009.
Download the Baosteel case studyThe Egyptian Iron & Steel Company switched to Shell Albida HD 2 with a calculated saving of US$2,688,000 per annum.
Download the Iron and Steel company case studyChanging to Shell Gadus helped this steel company reduce breakdowns and improve uptime. Result: reported annual saving of US$5,145.
Download the Southern Steel case studyOur suite of lubricant-related services offers you expert advice and support along with practical tools and training.
Discover how using the right lubricant can bring you substantial savings by helping maximise equipment efficiency, prolong vehicle life and reduce downtime.