Fluidised Catalytic Cracking
Refiners are under immense pressure to improve the performance of their Fluidised catalytic cracking (FCC) units. At the same time, there are changing market demands and environmental issues to consider. Shell Catalysts & Technologies helps refiners select technology from an extensive line-up to devise process solutions that meet individual customer’s objectives.
Solutions for Every Valuable Objective
Gasoline demand is weakening as diesel becomes more widely used. At the same time, propylene demand is soaring and the steam cracking route is unable to keep up. In response, Shell Catalysts & Technologies has developed the MILO S (Middle distillate and Lower Olefins Selective) process.
The hardware is all proven, which makes it ideal for revamping an existing FCC. FCC technology from Shell Catalysts & Technologies includes a range of features, some of which are not available elsewhere.

Our FCC units outperform the industry average in every reliability-related benchmarking measure.
Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ FCC units outperform the industry average in every reliability-related benchmarking measure.
This includes increased profitability, improved reliability, and reduced emissions. They also exceed the industry average for availability, despite running with Conradson carbon levels significantly above average. And, where permitted, they typically run for four to five years between shutdowns.
Hydrotreating Technology
Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ hydrotreating process combines advanced technology, high-performance catalyst systems, and efficient reactor internal designs to address challenges.
Hydrocracking Technology
Shell hydrocracking technology provides several commercial benefits for refineries including improvements in product yield, unit stability, and enhanced turnaround times.
Contact Shell Catalysts & Technologies
Contact Shell Catalysts & Technologies to meet the challenges petrochemical plants face with confidence.